Michael Jackson Memorial Service Details

Announcement was made this morning that 17,500 tickets will be available for Michael Jackson's Memorial Service. There will be no fee for the tickets and there will actually be a lottery draw for the tickets.

For the Michael Jackson Memorial tickets one must register at Staplescenter.com. You have until 6PM, Saturday July 4th to register. A computer generated random drawing will take place and winners will be notified where to go and pick up the wrist bands they will need. The actual Michael Jackson memorial will take place on Tuesday, July 7, 2009. It was also made clear that if one does not have a wristband that they will be stopped and not permitted to enter the area around Staples Center.

Ken Sunshine, who is the Jackson family spokesman said for everyone to respect the Jackson family and that some questions will not be answered.

Jan Perry who represented the LA City Council spoke about the concern that they have and will try to ensure that all who go to the service are safe. She also said that those with out a ticket should really consider watching the Michael Jackson memorial from home.

Tim Leieke, A&G President and CEO said that 11,000 tickets will be for the Staples Center memorial. The other 6,500 will be for Nokia Theater's simulcast for the funeral across th street.

These are the Michael Jackson memorial service details as of July, 3 2009 at 10:45 AM

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