OK, well I'm not one to go out and see a movie on it's release date because I frankly don't like the big crowd that comes with it, especially when it's a high profile movie like "Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen". I usually will wait a couple of weeks and let all the hype sort of dwindle down and then make my move to the theater. Heck! The last movie I seen on opening day was "Titanic", well worth it by the way.
So when I arrived at the theater there were a bunch of lines going everywhere, I was ready to drive back home but didn't want to disappoint my company. There were 9, 10 and 11PM showings. Tried to buy 9PM tickets - Sold out! 10PM tickets - Sold out! I was able to get the 11PM tickets though.
Got some great seats and the show started. By the way, during the previews there was shown a movie to come out soon called "2012" that looked pretty damn good! Don't know much about it but it really, really looked good.
Anyways, the movie basically started where part 1 left off. Sam is going to college now and is leaving his girlfriend Megan Fox behind to carry out a long distant relationship. You can see the unreality of the movie already, what man, or woman for that matter would leave Megan Fox behind like that! Sam just wants to live a normal life now and tells Bumble Bee that he is not taking him because Freshman can not have cars.
I am not going to give the whole movie away but I will say that it was a great movie. Prime plays a major character in the movie but we should expect that. The movie comes down to a major fight that only a Prime can win.
The thing I love about these Transformer movies is that even though they are not really comedies they sure have some funny parts such as when Sam's mom Judy gets stoned with the brownies. Sam's dad Ron is always hilarious. Agent Simmons played by John Turturro is hilarious once again and just like in part one, shows his underwear again! Besides teaming up with Sam, Agent Simmons also gets a somewhat new partner Leo, played by Ramon Rodriguez. Leo adds to the comedy act as he is a big coward in the movie.
We are introduced to some new Transformer characters in the movie and I will say no more. If you haven't seen the movie yet go out and see it. It is well worth it, trust me. I'm glad I didn't drive away when I seen those lines!
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