Many people sell on eBay and even have an eBay store selling merchandise that they don't even keep in stock. They don't even have to ship the products out to the buyers, they just collect the payment and ...
Find yourself a company that will dropship products for you. Dropshipping means that the company will ship the item to your customer under your name label. When the customer receives their product they think the product came straight from you and never have any idea that you used a drop shipper.
Using dropshippers is a great way to sell things because their is never no up front cost from you. You don't buy until something sells first.
Open up an eBay store. You can start off with a basic store. Name your store and you are open for business.
You browse the items from the dropshipper you chose. Most dropshippers offer you pics that you can use to list their items in your eBay store; most will even give you a description you can add to your listings.
List as many items in your eBay store as you can afford to. Pay attention to the prices that you list your items. If your dropshipper is selling a certain item for $20.00 then you will need to sell it for a little more to make your profit. Don't forget to figure out PayPal fees and other related cost. Remember, you are in business and need to figure all of this out.
When an item sells, the buyer will pay you. You then contact your dropship company and order the product and let them know who to ship it to. You have profited from the sale and the dropshipper sends the order to your customer under your name. The customer will then send you a nice feed back thanking you for their order.
There are many dropshippers to choose from and some specialize in certain things more than others. Many eBay power sellers have been using dropshipping as a valuable tool for their business. In the resource box you will find wholesale dropshipping sources.
dropshipping sources
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